Tuesday, March 31, 2009


As I read the bible, I realize that there is one thing that heros of the bible have in common. People like Moses, Joseph, David, Abraham, etc.

They all don't know what the future holds. Moses never expect himself to be the one to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. I mean, he's running away after killing the Egyptian guard and ended up tending sheep. Joseph never expect to be the No. 2 man in Egypt. He was sold as a slave, accused of sexual crime and thrown in prison. David is your usual scrawny kid, tending sheeps and writing songs. Who would expect him to be the great king of Israel?

All of them had one thing in common - they lived their best in the present. Moses tended to his father in law's flock of sheep to his best ability, Joseph, regardless of where he was, lived his best with a great attitude, never once complaining or feeling sorry for his plight. David never lived in a unrealistic bubble of becoming king - he lived a simple life, taking care of his father's sheep, worshipping God daily.

Eventually their destiny caught up with them and they stepped into their destiny. They all lived their best in the present.

Interesting how our world has evolved today that we no longer seem to live in the present, but chase that elusive future "dream" of ours. I mean, we'll be condemned if we do not have a "plan for the future", if we do not have a goal or a dream of what we want to become.

I do think that having a vision and planning for the future is important, but we should not forgo the things that we are given today - time with family members, taking care of our health, friendship, etc... today is given to us in preparation of tomorrow. What happens tomorrow is a direct consequence of what we do today.

Remember, today is a Present from heaven. Live it well. Do your best with the things you are given today. Love your family, spend time with them. Take care of your health. Live healthily. Do your best at work or business today. Then you will be led into your future, your destiny.

Don't forgo what you have been given today by focussing on something you want for the future. That's a failure.

Are you living in the present?